The world’s biggest charity games event



Supported by gamers, developers and publishers, Jingle Jam has raised over £25 million for charities.

We seek partners who share our aspiration of making the world a better place for children and young people, where the money raised by the Jingle Jam will have a positive impact on the four main areas of focus:


Physical and
Mental Health

Diversity and

Equality of

the Planet

  • Physical and mental health
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Equality of opportunity
  • Protecting the planet


Here are the 12 Jingle Jam charities for 2023 and how your donations will help their causes:



Creating a Mental Health and Wellbeing Tips Hub for young autistic people.

2023 Total Raised: £ 215,341

Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)

Answering 50,000 potentially live-saving helpline calls in 2024 from young people struggling to see a way forward.

2023 Total Raised: £ 277,066

Comic Relief

Aiming to provide one million meals to people who need them most this winter by working together with FareShare and local community groups.

2023 Total Raised: £ 196,681


Raising awareness of the signs and symptoms of breast cancer amongst young people, and driving relevancy amongst under represented groups that it can affect ANY body, regardless of age, gender or race.

2023 Total Raised: £ 209,247


Unlocking a better future for LGBT+ youth with a national abuse and violence service.

2023 Total Raised: £ 207,309


Working towards a future where men and their communities live happier and longer lives, by solving some of the most complex issues facing men today such as prostate and testicular cancer.

2023 Total Raised: £ 218,525

Hello World

Closing the digital divide for marginalised children and young people globally.

2023 Total Raised: £ 204,487


Regreening African landscapes by using indigenous techniques, (mobile) technology and communication to inspire farmers to restore their land.

2023 Total Raised: £ 211,872

Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB)

Transforming the lives of children and young people with vision impairment through education, social support, and the joy of accessible video-gaming.

2023 Total Raised: £ 192,422

War Child

To protect, educate, and advocate for the rights of children impacted by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

2023 Total Raised: £ 215,526

Wallace & Gromit's Grand Appeal

Creating a unique facility called Jingle Jam Building to help sick children at Bristol Children's Hospital.

2023 Total Raised: £ 219,576

Whale and Dolphin Conservation

Helping to end whaling and hunting for good so that whales and dolphins can keep performing their vital role in the ocean to help us fight climate and biodiversity breakdown.

2023 Total Raised: £ 322,978